Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Freedom Quest '09 Southern Route Rally in Mt. Vernon

The Freedom Quest '09 Rally in Mt. Vernon included participants receiving "money" that represented services in Illinois. Some participants received "money" representing personal choices in a home/community based program while others received "money" representing no choices in an institutional bias program. Participants with choices received a full plate of yummy food served quickly and with a smile while those with no choices got whatever "staff" felt like they should have, regardless of if they wanted it or not or wanted more or not. Some participants even had to go begging to get more food to eat, much to the dismay of the "staff"!

Craig H., self-advocate from Mt. Vernon, won a t-shirt for his guess of 2,400 pennies in the jar!

The Mt. Vernon Rally was planned by Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living (CIL). Speakers included:

Mike Egbert from Opportunities for Access
Shelly Lawler from Southern Illinois Case Coordination Services
Ravell McDonald, self-advocate from Robinson, Illinois
Amy Walker, Illinois Voices' Systems Change Activist/Freedom Quest '09 Planning Team member/self-advocate
Sarah Castle, Freedom Quest '09 Planning Team member/Campaign for Real Choice organizer

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